07/07 Launch Previews+Thoughts!

Coreteks Forums Forums General Discussion 07/07 Launch Previews+Thoughts!

Tagged: AMD, Ryzen 3000, X570

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  coreteks 2 weeks, 2 days ago.

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    Please feel free to comment about what you think about the new upcoming AMD launch!



    Does anyone know specific NDA dates?

    Also is there a separate unboxing NDA in addition to performance review NDA?
    Since 7th is Sunday where i live it seems a little strange to launch at that date tho i understand the marketing reason for choosing it.



    Hey. Both the unboxing and reviews NDA are 7/7. Some people have already broken NDA and posted pics on social media it seems.
    The products should be shipped on the 8th, depending on where you buy them from.



    Thanks. Yeah i’ve seen the leaked mexican X570/3600 review and there was a german video detailing X570 chipset fan noise.
    Also HardwareCanucks briefly uploaded or marked public their 5700 unboxing video.



    Oh..!! So I wasn’t dreaming! I swore I saw HC’s video somewhere – a notification for it – and later when I went looking I couldn’t find it.



    Indeed. It’s times like these i regret not setting up a system to automatically download any new videos from my subscriptions. Thankfully it was just unboxing. As per usual we will see more leaks closer to launch as people have hardware in hand.

    Personally i’m not that intrested in Navi. I’ve had GTX 1080 for 3 years now and i’m waiting until next year to see Navi 20/5900 vs Nvidia 3080 Ti battle it out. Tho i’m afraid it might go the same way it has gone before – AMD introduces a competitor to previous Nvidia card or series. 2080 Ti in this case and Nvidia introduces 3080 Ti based on Samsung’s 7nm node that is still faster and more efficient albeit more costly.

    Plus i have a G-Sync monitor (PG279Q) also for 3 years now so buying AMD would mean i lose adaptive sync. I would love to see AMD extend Adaptive Sync support to include G-Sync monitors. If that’s even doable. That way we would have cross-compatibility on the market with Nvidia supporting Freesync monitors. This whole locking GPU and monitor scheme is bad for user choice.

    Far more intrested in Ryzen 3000. My 2500K system is in desperate need of upgrade. Only 4 cores (even with decent IPC and 4,7Ghz OC) is not enough these days.




    Love your work cheers!



    Thanks Fizz 🙂 And sorry @raxellix about the trolling above, I had the products 🙂 NDA was really strick though, not even unboxings this time.

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