Video Requests

Coreteks Forums Forums General Discussion Video Requests

Tagged: coreteks videos

This topic contains 13 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  coreteks 1 day, 22 hours ago.

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  • #41


    If there’s a topic you would like me to cover, or if you have suggestions for videos, let me know here.



    I’m seeing a lot of sentiment going around that PCIe 4.0 is pointless. Could you possibly make a video on it and perhaps briefly covering previous PCIe versions and what happened to the old version once the newer and faster one was released?

    Also even as a tech enthusiast i can’t make heads or tails of Intel’s roadmaps. Their release strategy seems like a complete mess and making a video on it based on available data would be good to get things sorted about what is coming in the 2020-2023 timeframe (assuming Intel itself knows) and how it compares to AMD’s offerings based on what we know.

    Another one that’s close to my heart is storage. I would love to see analysis of what is coming in that front so i can get properly exited. Specificly i’m talking about nonvolatile storage like NAND and Optane.

    Hope this helps and i really enjoy your videos.



    Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll be testing PCIe 4 in the coming weeks so I’ll see if there’s a scenario where it’s relevant.
    Intel’s roadmaps are indeed a mess! XD If I tried to explain it by time the video went up there would probably be tons of changes.
    As for storage, the problem I’m seeings is that non of these new technologies offer lower energy use, which is the main factor for support. NVidia for instance would love new memory tech that used very little energy but was as fast or even faster than what we currently have (while being cheap).. the new mem types don’t address the metrics that the market wants, so that’s a problem.



    A video explaining how CPUs work like the RDNA vs TURING one.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by  dulait.

    Subnet Zero

    I’m seeing a lot of sentiment going around that PCIe 4.0 is pointless. Could you possibly make a video on it and perhaps briefly covering previous PCIe versions and what happened to the old version once the newer and faster one was released?

    I second this! I also would love to see a video about PCIe 4.0 and previous revisions ^v^

    Also even as a tech enthusiast i can’t make heads or tails of Intel’s roadmaps. Their release strategy seems like a complete mess and making a video on it based on available data would be good to get things sorted about what is coming in the 2020-2023 timeframe (assuming Intel itself knows) and how it compares to AMD’s offerings based on what we know.

    Maybe to build onto these topics (or to branch out into a different video), could you possibly make a video discussing emerging standards (PCIe 5.0, DDR5, USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 / USB 4, etc.) and how they might benefit and or harm the hardware market over the next four years or so.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by  Subnet Zero. Reason: minor tweaks


    Thanks for those suggestions. PCIe4 is definitely an interesting one to test out. So far the only thing I’ve notice is with scrubbing video in Premiere but I’ll see if there are more applications, maybe there’s enough there to make a video. How CPUs work is also an interesting topic, especially now with chiplets! I’m finding some weird behavior on the 3700X that might be related to that. Great suggestions guys.



    Videos about

    – advancements in cooling solutions
    – a follow-up to the ARM-video, focused on the 8cx



    A follow-up on the ARM video is in the works 🙂



    I’ve seen your current video -> well done! And I’m really looking forward to the upcoming ARM-only video, especially the news about an ARM Laptop seem intriguing.

    Btw, what do you think about the topic of ‘cooling solutions’ for the upcoming generations? Anything new on the horizon?



    @nurso There are some like full liquid immersion but nothing that I found particularly groundbreaking. It does look like liquid cooling in data centers will be a thing, which I find very odd – it’s another possible problem to worry about (water leaks). But for consumers, yeah not much seems to be changing in cooling



    Ah okay, I see. It’s a pity that there is nothing big on the horizon … tbh, I thought micro-channel heat sinks will be ‘matured’ enough for production soon-ish.



    Maybe some thoughts on the different software ecosystems of different manufacturers and how they stack up. Comparisons between Ryzen Master and Intel XTU and WattMann and Afterburner for example. Plus all the software such as Fidelity FX and RIS.



    I signed up because I appreciated the youtube video on risc-V and its impact on ARM, INtel, NVIDIA etc.

    I am currently researching XILINX product line particularly the DPU deep learning devices, software and development kits.

    Would like to suggest this as a video topic.



    @fkx Thanks for the suggestion. I might look into it sometime in the future for sure. Prob not a fully dedicated video, but it’s likely I’ll talk about fpga’s at some point.

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